
Substance Abuse

Psychiatric Mental Health Care located in Delray Beach, FL and the greater South Florida area

Substance Abuse

Substance Abuse services offered in Delray Beach, FL

If you find that you are becoming increasingly reliant on drugs or alcohol or have intense, uncontrollable urges to use a substance even amid negative consequences, you may have a substance abuse disorder. At Sincere Psychiatry in Delray Beach, Florida, Adult and Adolescent Psychiatrist Reginald J. Sincere, PMHNP-BC, and his team offer their expertise to help you recover from your substance use disorder. Call the Delray Beach office to schedule an appointment or book online today.

What is substance abuse?

Substance abuse, or addiction, is a disease that leads to compulsive use of a substance such as alcohol or drugs despite consequences. If you have a substance use disorder, you may experience:

  • Feeling like you need to use the substance frequently
  • Extreme focus on getting the substance
  • Needing more of the substance to feel the same effects
  • Continuing to use even though it’s affecting your work or relationships
  • Failing in any attempts to stop using the drug
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms

Substance abuse usually develops gradually. For example, you may initially enjoy a drink after work to relax or use a drug to relieve pain. Over time, you find that you’re using the substance more frequently, which interferes with your regular responsibilities.

What causes substance abuse?

Substance abuse is caused by changes in your brain that cause intense cravings for drugs or alcohol. These changes also make it more challenging to stop using the drug, even when you suffer harmful consequences.

Furthermore, the more you use a substance, the more your brain changes — especially in the parts of your brain responsible for decision-making, judgment, learning, memory, and behavior. Some drugs alter your dopamine receptors, making you rely on the substance to feel normal.

Aside from brain chemistry, medical researchers have not identified a specific factor that makes one person more prone to addiction than another. However, some of the common risk factors for addiction include:

  • A personal or family history of addiction 
  • A personal or family history of other mental health disorders
  • A lack of social support from family or friends
  • Early use of a substance and peer pressure

Substance abuse is an illness, but you can recover with professional help. The team at Sincere Psychiatry can help you identify and resolve the issues at the root of your addiction and work toward sobriety. They have years of experience helping patients recover from substance abuse disorders.

How is substance abuse treated?

After an initial assessment, the team works with you on a personalized treatment plan to identify any emotional issues at the root of your substance abuse. Individual and group counseling helps you resolve those issues and develop strategies and tools to control your urges to use a substance.

Each patient follows a unique journey to sobriety, and Sincere Psychiatry provides the support and counseling needed to bring you back to your fullest life.

Call Sincere Psychiatry today or make an appointment online for expert substance abuse services. Telemedicine is also available.